[Asterisk-Users] Re: Transfer with Budgetone

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Wed Jun 2 07:44:06 MST 2004

Stephen R. Besch wrote:
> Not as far as I know, at least not exactly the way you have outlined it. 
> Try this:
>      1. call comes to you
>     2. You hold the call and call other person.
>      3. You say "Someone wants to talk to you, OK, thanks"
>     3a. Other person then hangs up.
>     3b. You flash back to the original caller
>     3c. You tell them that you are transferring the call
>     3d. You transfer the call using the transfer feature on the phone
>      4. You hangup and first person is transferred to other
>  person?
Ugh.  So Asterisk doesn't handle transfer?

Every company phone system I've ever used has not required 3a-3d.  It 
looks like a real hack to do so.

It anyone working on implementing this?


All your code belongs to Santa

Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org>  Key ID: 104D/4F4B6917 2003-09-13
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