[Asterisk-Users] Pickup zap channel already in use?

Mark Woods asteriskadmin at fuse.net
Tue Jul 27 20:30:08 MST 2004

Kent wrote:

>On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 16:58:47 +0000, Mark Woods <asteriskadmin at fuse.net> wrote:
>>I have to admit that your question interested me because I'm thinking of setting up the same thing.  As of yet, though, I haven't found an answer to it.
>>It's fairly simple when * has picked up, but I haven't really devoted much time to figuring out how to do it when it hasn't.
>>So...let me work on it, and I'll let you know what I come up with.  It's going to take at least a week, though, as I'm going to Oshkosh for the EAA Airventure on Thursday...but I'll see what I can come up with after that.
>A friend of mine who is another * user suggested using an extension
>with an empty Dial statement to connect my sip phone to the zap
>channel. I am going to try that tonight and see if that works.
>Let me know if you figure out anything else. 
I actually got a chance to try it just now.  Works like a champ!

It has the added benefit of giving direct access, with dialtone, to the 
outside line, instead of having * dial.

Here's what I put in my extensions.conf:

exten => 4000,1,Dial(Zap/1/)
exten => 4000,2,Congestion


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