[Asterisk-Users] Echo in asterisk phones.

Tony Nichols tony at mail.applog.com
Mon Jul 26 13:40:42 MST 2004

On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 16:03, albyfromg wrote:
> Hi all.
> We have just setup and asterisk with a 4 line zaptel board with Cisco
> 7960 and BudgeTone-100 IP phones. All works fine except for this
> nagging echo. Whenever I talk, I hear my voice echo back.. This only
> happens whenever I talk on an actual phone call. Whenever I talk to
> another extension, no problems. I would appreciate any help. I have
> searched the google lists and have not found any relevant info.
> Thanks.
> _______________________________________________
Do you have echocancelwhenbridged=yes in etc/asterisk/zapata.conf ?

Also beware if checking it in debug mode (like asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvc)
Took me awhile to notice it was going away when I started asterisk
normally <ban head on wall>!
t o n y

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