[Asterisk-Users] Display and UUS IEs on PRI - Q.931 question

Martin Blatter blatter at olmero.ch
Mon Jul 26 10:00:45 MST 2004

During an outgoing call on the PRI (E1, Euro ISDN) my provider regularly
sends INFORMATION type messages containing IE 40 (Display) elements with
the current cost of the call in progress (see below for example).
The same Display IE is also transmitted during a RELEASE.

I would like to pass this (very useful, IMHO) information to the calling
device (i.e. a SIP phone) using the SendText() command.

How can I get this information out of libpri and into Asterisk?

Also, during setup of a call, we sometimes get IE 45 (User-to-User)
containing the name of the caller. This information could be used
as the "Name" part of the caller ID. How can I get and set this
information within Asterisk?

Thanks for any pointers.


< Message type: INFORMATION (123)
< [< [28< [28 08< [28 08 46< [28 08 46 52< [28 08 46 52 2e< [28 08 46 52 2e 20< [28 08 46 52 2e 
20 30< [28 08 46 52 2e 20 30 2e< [28 08 46 52 2e 20 30 2e 32< [28 08 46 52 2e 20 30 2e 32 30< 
[28 08 46 52 2e 20 30 2e 32 30]
< Display (len= 8) [ FR. 0.20 ]
-- Processing IE 40 (cs0, Display)

Martin A. Blatter | lic. oec. publ. Wirtschaftsinformatiker | IT-Leiter
OLMeRO AG | Europastrasse 30 | CH-8152 Glattbrugg | Switzerland
blatter at olmero.ch | phone +41 44 200 44 50

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