[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk at OSCON?

John Todd jtodd at loligo.com
Sat Jul 17 16:18:54 MST 2004

At 4:27 PM -0500 7/17/04, Brian Capouch wrote:
>Following up on some posts here a few weeks ago about a gathering of 
>Asterisk geeks at the upcoming OSCON in Portland.
>There are a bunch of tentative-sounding "We ought to meet heres" and the like.
>Is it appropriate to try to set things up a bit more specifically at 
>this point?

I would suggest: "Yes, it is appropriate."

How about Tuesday, the 27th in the evening around 6:00?  There's a 
bar somewhere downtown on 2nd, between Taylor and Yamhill (only 3-4 
blocks away from the hotel) whose name I can't remember right now 
that would be ideal for a meeting spot, if I can manage to convince 
them to give us a decent-sized table or part of a room.  There was a 
Portland Linux User's Group meeting there many months ago, but I 
haven't been in town since then to know if they still have those 
meetings there...  It's within walking distance of the 
hotel/conference center, and they serve dinner-type food if I recall 
correctly.  I'll find the name when I return home in two days.

If anyone else has a firm idea of where or when a meeting might be 
well-placed, let's hear 'em...

I suppose that filling up the list with chatter about attendance 
might be a bit noisy - how about replies to Brian and myself and he 
or I will re-announce to the list as the time grows closer?


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