[Asterisk-Users] How to make * don't strip the leading 0

Kai Militzer km at westend.com
Mon Jul 12 05:57:42 MST 2004

Hi folks!

Is it possible to tell asterisk not to strip the leading 0 of *incoming*
MSNs? I use asterisk with i4l and whenever I get a call from an
long-distance party, the leading 0, which should be there according the
german numbering, is not. So if I get a call from a mobile phone
0177-1234567 should be displayed, but 177-1234567 is displayed. I double
checked if I've forgotten to remove an option to strip the first digit
of incoming calls and found nothing.

The wiki and the mailinglist archives can't enlight me either, why
asterisk behaves like this, or how I can turn it off. So if someone
could give me a hint, I would be very delighted!

Best regards


Kai Militzer                 WESTEND GmbH  |  Internet-Business-Provider
Technik                      CISCO Systems Partner - Authorized Reseller
                             Lütticher Straße 10      Tel 0241/701333-11
km at westend.com               D-52064 Aachen              Fax 0241/911879

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