[Asterisk-Users] advanced audio recording agi help

Tony Buser gr0k at juju.org
Thu Jul 8 12:13:10 MST 2004

I'm thinking about doing a project using asterisk that would let someone 
call in and save the audio to a wav file.  I know it can be done using 
Record() or zapbarge.  However, I'd like to be able to do some more 
complicated/interactive things such as:

1. record some audio
2. play it back
3. pause the playback in the middle
4. start recording again in the middle where I had paused it
5. skip forward or back x number of seconds within the recording
6. maybe even hit a button to delete the audio from this point back or 
this point forward

Kind of like duplicating the basic functionality of windows sound 
recorder inside asterisk.  What we're looking to do is to rewrite our 
custom built dictation system which is currently windows-only.  I was 
wondering if anyone has done anything like this or if anyone has any 
ideas on how I would go about doing such a thing?


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