[Asterisk-Users] Parking call problem

Andrew Yager andrew at rwts.com.au
Wed Jul 7 21:51:52 MST 2004

Hi James,

If you are finding that the # key does nothing, then the transfer 
feature of the Dial app is not working for you. This feature is not 
related to call parking.

Check that your dial statement (when coming in from outside) uses the 
correct case of t :-

t: Allow the called user to transfer the call
T: Allow the calling user to transfer the call

A lower case t is appropriate for your incoming calls, and a tT would 
probably be what you want for internal calls.

Regardless of having call parking set up, pressing the hash key with 
these options should always result in the transfer message being 


Andrew Yager
Real World Technology Solutions
Real People, Real SolUtions (tm)
ph: (02) 9945 2567 fax: (02) 9945 2566
mob: 0405 15 2568
On 08/07/2004, at 8:06 AM, James Jones wrote:

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