[Asterisk-Users] AGI - NO Audio

Bruce Marler bmarler at newwaycommunications.com
Wed Jul 7 07:22:24 MST 2004


As it was kindly pointed out to me, I should have listed the complete
version #, sorry it was way too late to be typing at the point:) Version

Also, a couple other points, the codec in use on the sip channels is g711,
but the problem also occurs Zap channel to Zap channel.

Complete message again here:


I am currently working with the AGI interface using PHP, I have it working
to execute commands that do not require prompts to be played, but when I
execute an AGI command to play a prompt or stream a prompt all i get is
silence (although I can see in the log where it says the correct name for
the prompt to be played).

I have looked through the wiki and googled extensively, so if something is
out there i obviously searched incorrectly....

Here is a sample script (although with much of the meat cut out that is not
relevant to the issue). Please advise if something is missing or if this is
a known issue and I need to do something different.

Just some notes on the config, I am using CVS load from 06/04/2004 and have
the same problem whether it be from a SIP call or Zap call. I also have a
Digium 1 T1 card running PRI.

Here is sample code, this happens with or without the php agi module:

#!/usr/bin/php -q

require "phpagi.php";

$agi = new AGI();



$MODERATORSTATUS=$agi->agi_exec("DATABASE GET 1000 Moderator");

-----> Here is where it breaks, does not play prompt

$FIRSTCONFCODE=$agi->agi_exec("GET DATA $CONFPROMPT 3000 60");



-----> Once again breaks here, does not play prompt

$agi->agi_exec("STREAM FILE therearecurrently");
$agi->agi_exec("EXEC MEETMECOUNT 1000");
$agi->agi_exec("STREAM FILE intheconference");
$agi->agi_exec("EXEC MEETME 1000");


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