[Asterisk-Users] Randy Bush ?-) intel - telco contract? time will tell.

Joe Baptista baptista at dot-god.com
Tue Jul 6 09:57:08 MST 2004

On Tue, 6 Jul 2004, Kevin Walsh wrote:

> People are entitled to ask questions;  If no questions were asked then
> this mail list would not have the volume of articles that it has.

Absolutly correct - except for Randy who has a tendancy of starting
arguments over irrelevant trivia.

My own concern is that this list does not degrade into some DNS government
mailing list full of trolling.

I've seen randy post here many times.  Not a problem - but his recent
posts smell of trolling.  Certainly arrogance and attitude were in
abudant evidence.

But maybe i'm wrong and just a bit too sensitive based on past
experiences.  We'll see.

One of the things I appreciate in this forum is that people communicate
and support each other - and they do a good job of it.  We all share the
same agenda - bury the telcos and move on.  I know randy well - hes intel
- would not surprise me if he was here with an agenda on behalf of the
spooks he works for and their telco investments.  After all he's never
participate in anything unless he's gettin paid - randys no fool.

but i could be wrong - time will tell.  and as far as i'm concerned i
really dont' think we should stretch the subject further


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