[Asterisk-Users] How do I disable '#' to transfer a call?

Holger Schurig hs4233 at mail.mn-solutions.de
Tue Jul 6 02:00:01 MST 2004

> I don't see anything on the Wiki or in the documentation about
> disabling this feature.

What about the product documentation? Certainly your phone has some means 
of configuration, e.g. by config files, built-in menus or a web-browser. 
Use that and the documentation for it.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I see the wiki more as a documentation for Asterisk 
and for Hints on how to use Asterisk with various products. It is *NOT* a 
substitute for the product documentation.

Trying to keep track all possible products and their various firmware 
releases would be really tedious :-)

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