[Asterisk-Users] Sound: Record Overrun

Andrew Elchuk aelchuk at cronustech.com
Thu Jul 1 09:13:30 MST 2004

When I dial into asterisk I set it up in extensions.conf so it will play 
some messages, but when I dial in asterisk picks up but I hear no 
sound.  There is moments of silence where the audio should be playing 
but I get nothing.  I checked /var/log/messages to see what was wrong 
and I  got the following error:
        Jun 29 20:46:33 eclipse kernel: Sound: Recording overrun
Does this mean the computer that asterisk is running on gets simply too 
bogged down and can't process sound while asterisk is running (because 
it can play audio when asterisk isn't running) or is it something else?  
It is a pentium 133 running with Redhat 8 and I have a soundblaster 
sound card by the way.  Thanks for any help I get.

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