[Asterisk-Users] IAX Implementation Problem

Mark Spencer markster at digium.com
Thu Jan 29 09:57:41 MST 2004

You cannot allocate a static host ("host=foo.com") and also use
registration.  If you are going to have one register with the other (it is
rarely valuable to have both register with both sides) then you should use
"host=dynamic".  Alternatively you can not use registration and just use


On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, MLS Drop for SysAdmin wrote:

> We have been, unsuccessful, trying to implement inter-asterisk
> communications using IAX.  I was wondering if anyone is having similar
> problems, or would share information about their succes/
> Our environment consists of two servers with public IP addresses and DNS
> entries that resolve. (for the example we use "domain.net")
> Based on the information available to us, we have tried the following:
> In the IAX.CONF of Server 1 (called "ABLE") we have placed:
> register => able:password at baker.domain.net
> we have also placed:
> [baker]
> context=internal
> type=friend
> host=baker at domain.net
> secret=password
> auth=md5
> In the EXTENSIONS.CONF file on ABLE we have placed:
> [to-baker]
> exten => _6.,1,Dial(IAX/baker/${EXTEN:1})
> and [internal] is the existing context for handling internal calls
> In the IAX.CONF file on Server 2 (called "BAKER") we have placed:
> register => baker:password at able.domain.net
> we have also placed:
> [able]
> context=internal
> type=friend
> host=able at domain.net
> secret=password
> auth=md5
> and in the EXTENSIONS.CONF on Baker we have placed:
> [to able]
> exten => _8.,1,Dial(IAX/able/${EXTEN:1})
> and [internal] is the existing context for handling internal calls.
> When we reload both Asterisk servers, ABLE shows no registration with BAKER,
> and BAKER shows error messages :
> Jan 29 11:06:49 NOTICE[-1147503696]: chan_iax.c:2896 register_verify: No
> registration for peer 'baker' (from
> [Note: is substituted in the above message for the actual IP]
> No calls go through from ABLE to BAKER or vice-versa
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Sam Zener
> Network Techician

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