[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Indications

Vic Cross vicc at veejoe.com.au
Sun Jan 25 16:31:09 MST 2004

On Sun, 25 Jan 2004, Steve Underwood wrote:

> Actually, nothing would use a 17Hz tone - it doesn't pass through a 
> 300-3400Hz channel very well :-)

It's not a 17Hz tone.  Australian (and others) tones are single-frequency
tones that are amplitude-modulated at a second, much lower, frequency.  
The "x*y" notation in indications.conf is supposed to reflect this: for
example, 400*17 would be a 400Hz tone amplitude-modulated at 17Hz.

I posted a few days ago that nothing seems to happen when I specify the 
modulation frequency in my indications.conf -- all I get is the constant 
400Hz tone.  I will try some of the other combinations mentioned and see 
if they produce something more suitable.

Vic Cross

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