[Asterisk-Users] Polycom Reboot Script - Please wiki-size me

John Baker johnb at listbrokers.com
Thu Jan 22 22:38:23 MST 2004

With my thanks to Brian West and his offering in the thread,

"Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Remote reload Cisco 7960"

I offer PolyReboot.pl, a perl script for rebooting Polycom IP Phones

PolyReboot.pl takes an IP address as a single argument and reboots the

You must have a cfg file in the Polycom style, i.e., 00ab00cd00ef.cfg - all
lower case.  Further,
you need to use ftp for your remote cfg loading, because with ftp
synchronization, the phones
check the ctimes of the cfg files against what's in their cache when
receiving a check-sync in
order to determine if rebooting is necessary.

I tested this script.  It works on my Polycoms.  I have the latest bootrom
and the
SIP 1.1.0 software version.

I'm not much of a perl person, and all of this code is heavily borrowed,
(Thanks again, Brian), so
someone else can prettify it as they see fit.

# PolyReboot.pl
# Reboots a Polycom 500 or 600 phone
use Net::Ping;
use Socket;

$polycompath = '/home/poly/';    # Where you keep your config files
$arp         = '/sbin/arp';          # Location of arp command
$sipserver   = '192.168.XXX.XXX';      # IP of asterisk server

$phone = shift;

touch( arp2config("$phone") );

reboot_sip_phone( "$phone", "$sipserver", "Reboot" );

sub checkphone {  # Checks for existence of phone, makes sure
                            # it's in arp table
    $activephone = shift;

    # ARP table needs our phone
    print "Checking ARP table.\n";
    $p = Net::Ping->new("icmp");
    if ( $p->ping( $activephone, 2 ) ) {
        print "$activephone is ";
        print "reachable.\n";
    else { die "Polycom at ", $activephone, " is not reachable!"; }


sub arp2config {    # Gets mac address from arp table, converts
                    # to a polycom config filename, makes sure
                    # the config file exists
    $arpip = shift;
    open( ARP, "$arp -an|" ) || die "Couldn't open arp table: $!\n";
    print "checking for polycom config name...", "\n";
    while (<ARP>) {
        $addr = $_;
        $ip   = $_;
        $addr =~ s/.*
        $addr =~ s/://g;
        $addr = lc($addr) . '.cfg';
        $ip =~ s/.*?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*/$1/;
        if ( $ip eq $arpip ) {
 $polycomconfig = "$polycompath" . "$addr";

    unless ( -e "$polycomconfig" ) {
        print "sorry, polycom config file ", "$polycomconfig",
          " is not found.\n\n";

    return $polycomconfig;


    $polycomconfig = "$polycompath" . "$addr";

    unless ( -e "$polycomconfig" ) {
        print "sorry, polycom config file ", "$polycomconfig",
          " is not found.\n\n";

    return $polycomconfig;

sub touch {    # We need to touch the config file or the phone
               # won't reboot - it depends on time synchronization
    print "touching config file ", $polycomconfig, "\n";
    my $now = time;
    local (*TMP);
    foreach my $file (@_) {
        utime( $now, $now, $file )
          || open( TMP, ">>$file" )
          || die ("$0: Couldn't touch file: $!\n");

sub reboot_sip_phone {    # Send the phone a check-sync to reboot it
    $phone_ip = shift;

    $local_ip = shift;
    $sip_to   = shift;
    $sip_from = "0";
    $tm       = time();
    $call_id  = $tm . "msgto$sip_to";
    $httptime = `date -R`;
    $MESG     = "NOTIFY sip:$sip_to\@$phone_ip:5060 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP $local_ip
From: <sip:$sip_from\@$local_ip>
To: <sip:$sip_to\@$phone_ip>
Event: check-sync
Date: $httptime
Call-ID: $call_id\@$local_ip
CSeq: 1300 NOTIFY
Contact: <sip:$sip_from\@$local_ip>
Content-Length: 0


    $proto = getprotobyname('udp');
    socket( SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto );
    $iaddr = inet_aton("$phone_ip");
    $paddr = sockaddr_in( 5060, $iaddr );
    bind( SOCKET, $paddr );
    $port = 5060;

    $hisiaddr = inet_aton($phone_ip);
    $hispaddr = sockaddr_in( $port, $hisiaddr );

    if ( send( SOCKET, $MESG, 0, $hispaddr ) ) {
        print "reboot of phone ", "$phone_ip", " was successful", "\n";
    else { print "reboot of phone ", "$phone_ip", " failed", "\n"; }



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