[Asterisk-Users] MeetMe questions

Chris Robertson Chris.Robertson at instill.com
Tue Jan 20 11:28:52 MST 2004

I'm looking into deploying * for an internal conference call server (using
MeetMe) and had a couple of quick questions for those of you who have used
it.  I checked the Wiki but there weren't a lot of details for MeetMe.

- Can you limit the size of a conference "room", ie max 8 people, etc.
- Is there a list somewhere (besides the source ;) that has all the commands
availible to people in the conferences?  Specifically can you do a mute all
new callers type action (when people are really just calling up to listen.
- Passwords/Pins for the conference rooms?

Thanks all,
Chris Robertson
Network Engineer
Instill Corp. 

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