[Asterisk-Users] CDR problem with macros

Philipp von Klitzing klitzing at pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Jan 16 06:09:54 MST 2004

Hi there,

whenever I use a macro to dial out I see only "s" recorded in the dst 
field of the CDR. Is there anyway to get around that problem except for 
not using a macro?


exten => 1234,1,macro(dial-out)

exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/test,30,r)

Now, I can probably catch the "unavailable" and the "busy" case using the 
MACRO_OFFSET variable, but what do I do if the caller hangs up himself? 
The Dial option 'g' won't help, and I always end up in default,s 
(although that is not even defined) and here's my ugly 's' that shows in 
the dst field... :-(

Cheers, Philipp

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