[Asterisk-Users] re: hardware requirement -asterisk

dkwok at iware.com.au dkwok at iware.com.au
Thu Jan 15 15:34:44 MST 2004

Referring to my previous post about degradation of voice quality when 
having more than 2 connection.

The actual route is:

pc xlite -> local asterisk box -> iaxtel -> local asterisk

I have tried out a different situation:

pc xlite -> local asterisk box -> iaxtel

and the second connection
pc xlite -> local asterisk box -> iaxtel -> local asterisk

The same degradation happens as soon as the second connection is connected.

I am suspecting the ADSL connection. The internet part is ADSL with 512k 
down and 128k UP. The nic is a 3c905c 100baseTX and connected to a NEC 
ADSL modem.

# ifconfig xl0 

         address: 00:01:02:78:11:e8
         media: Ethernet autoselect (10baseT)
         status: active
         inet netmask 0xfffffffc broadcast
         inet6 fe80::201:2ff:fe78:11e8%xl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2

But ifconfig seems to suggest that it is running in simplex mode.

Is the degradation a result of the ADSL connection?

David Kwok
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