[Asterisk-Users] 911 and lawsuits

Tony Kava asterisk at pottcounty.com
Wed Jan 7 15:54:52 MST 2004

> Now imagine this person having his SIP phone in IOWA talking 
> to the the telephone switch in New York via VPN and dialing 
> 911. The call will go to NYPD.

Why is it the theoretical VoIP user in such examples always seems to be from
Iowa or Nebraska? I feel compelled to state that not all people from these
states are farmers with pitchforks and SIP phones.  I personally live in
Omaha, Nebraska, a city I that the Census Bureau indicates I share with
390,006 others, and that may not even include the suburbs.

I respectfully request that future examples use other sparsely populated
states such as Montana or perhaps a Canadian province from time-to-time.

On a more serious note this thread has been very interesting, and this 911
issue will be very important to our organization in the near future.
Luckily the 911 operations center is located in our basement so
collaboration is easier for us, but when we roll out VoIP we will need to
address the redundancy issues and the location issues for remote offices
just like any other business.

Tony Kava
Senior Network Administrator
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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