[Asterisk-Users] cdr->dst incorrect?

SamW swc at svtinc.com
Wed Feb 25 11:20:22 MST 2004

Problem seems to be due to the fact that I use a macro and it has a "s"
as the matching extension, but if the Dial command dial out correctly
why the CDR not get recorded correctly. As for testing, I directly
dialed out without the macro command, and it works fine. But my
extensions.conf is based on many macros and it is hard to change all and
get it to work without them. 

When I built the extensions.conf I followed the guidelines from,
Initially I had no issue with the CDRs which it generated, but now it do
not work correctly. All what I did recently was upgrading asterisk to
latest version. Can this be a bug? Can this be reproduced else where. (I
haven't seen any complains on the message board other than me.)


In addition I use mysql to collect CDR's and also the text files. Both
show dst as "s" instead of the number that the Dial command dials. 

- Samath Wije
    Phone : 201 469 8152
    Pager : 917 247 1048

-----Original Message-----
From: Girish Gopinath [mailto:gopinath_girish at hotmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 2:48 AM
To: asterisk-users at lists.digium.com
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] cdr->dst incorrect?


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