[Asterisk-Users] OH323 errors

Todd Wallace twallace_list at touchstonetel.com
Tue Feb 17 20:45:57 MST 2004

I just pulled the latest OH323 and asterisk and compiled on Redhat 7.3 using
Grandstream phones.  I have a dial plan that goes out SIP when you hit a
9+number and H323 when you hit 7+number.  SIP is very clean, but I get a
scrolling ""Wrong Pitch 1st subfr." when you go out H323.  Before, it was
fine as the quality was fine, but now the quality is degraded so bad that I
don't know if I have some other problem or this scrolling message causing
problem.  I have tried to track it down, but can't find a resolution to find
my problem. SIP and H323 goes to separate carriers, but they are both using
a Nextone.  I am really at odds since, I can't seem to find out how to
resolve.  Any thoughts????


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