[Asterisk-Users] Re: Help on Register message with Proxy-Authorization

Kamran Ahmad p_kami at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 25 08:08:27 MST 2004

i have gone through RFC 2617 and able to run the test
but problem i that when i try these values
this is not matching with my asterisk proxy response
can any one tell me what should be pszMethod here
i dont have Qop here

      char * pszNonce = "539b02d7";
      char * pszCNonce = "";
      char * pszUser = "3000";
      char * pszRealm = "asterisk";
      char * pszPass = "kamran";
      char * pszAlg = "md5";
      char szNonceCount[9] = "";
      char * pszMethod = "";
      char * pszQop = "";
      char * pszURI = "sip:";
      HASHHEX HA1;
      HASHHEX HA2 = "";
      HASHHEX Response;

      DigestCalcHA1(pszAlg, pszUser, pszRealm,
pszPass, pszNonce,
pszCNonce, HA1);
      DigestCalcResponse(HA1, pszNonce, szNonceCount,
pszCNonce, pszQop,
       pszMethod, pszURI, HA2, Response);

	printf("Response = %s\n", Response);

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