[Asterisk-Users] Bandwidth, computer power

Ronald Wiplinger ronald at elmit.com
Sat Dec 25 03:56:44 MST 2004

I want to use MY asterisk server to help some people to get MULTIPLE 
gateways to their VoIP phone.

E.g.    UK, US, Canada DIDs, registered to my asterisk server, with 
dedicated dialing to my friend.

I believe that the RTP (voice streams) are going directly from the DIDs 
to my friends, and will not use up my bandwidth.
I believe that however, if he use my mailbox it will use my bandwidt, as 
well he will use twice the bandwidth, if he use a conference call with a 
third party.

Besides the confirmation about the above, I would like how much 
bandwidth I will need to handle such calls for my friend?



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