[Asterisk-Users] modified prepaid application

Kevin Walsh kevin at cursor.biz
Mon Dec 20 04:06:06 MST 2004

Adnan Ahmed [adnan at xnet.com.pk] wrote:
> how can we integrate the modified-prepaid application with asterisk
> because when i compile the app_prepaid it gives bunch of errors.
I have no idea.  Perhaps you're out of disk space.

No?  Ah well - my mind reading powers seem to get weaker over long
distances.  Posting the error messages might help.

   _/   _/  _/_/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/  _/    _/
  _/_/_/   _/_/      _/    _/    _/    _/_/  _/   K e v i n   W a l s h
 _/ _/    _/          _/ _/     _/    _/  _/_/    kevin at cursor.biz
_/   _/  _/_/_/_/      _/    _/_/_/  _/    _/

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