[Asterisk-Users] I'm stumped

Henry Devito hdevito at qwest.net
Sun Dec 12 13:33:22 MST 2004

I am trying to use the simple CID name management script on the wiki.
http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Asterisk+tips+managing+CID+names   I can not
see what is wrong.  The values never get entered in the database.  Here are
the files:  I have asterisk running as the user asterisk also.


<TITLE>Storing Asterisk CID data</TITLE>
<h1>Asterisk phone book</h1>
if ($PhoneNumber <> "" && $PhoneName <> "") {
       system("sudo -u asterisk /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx " .
escapeshellarg("database put cidname $PhoneNumber \"$PhoneName\"") . " &>
      print "Successfully stored <b>$PhoneNumber</b> as <b>$PhoneName</b>.";
} else {
       print "Please enter both phone number and name!";

-----My sudoers files-----
asterisk  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/asterisk

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