[Asterisk-Users] BT100 how to pickup a parked call

Jon Lawrence jon at lawrence.org.uk
Fri Dec 10 06:57:29 MST 2004

On Friday 10 December 2004 13:23, Greg - Cirelle Enterprises wrote:
> Does anyone know why the bt100 cannot park and pickup
> a parked call?
> attendant announces the call is parked at extension 701
> but the call cannot be retrieved by any other phone.
> also, the bt100 constantly rings when the phone is
> hung up after parking.
> anyone experienced this?
> using the basic features.conf
> [general]
> parkext => 700                  ; What ext. to dial to park
> parkpos => 701-709              ; What extensions to park calls on
> context => parkedcalls          ; Which context parked calls are in
> parkingtime => 60               ; Number of seconds a call can be parked
> for
> pickupexten = *8                ; Configure the pickup extension.  Default
> is *8
Have you got 'include => parkedcalls' in the bt100's context ?


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