[Asterisk-Users] TDM400P FXO channel remains Offhook after outoing or incoming call / line is parallel with other telephone equipment

Andrei (MPI) asterisk at markovprocesses.com
Sun Dec 5 02:04:35 MST 2004

Richard Scobie wrote:

> Rich Adamson wrote:
>> The tdm card does have some unusual issues that appear to be driver
>> oriented, but there are lots of folks using the card in production.
> Usually in situations where the client knows how to and tolerates 
> having to reload drivers and/or reboot his PBX periodically...

Even if the client knows that, even if he/she would build a cron with 
asterisk -rx stop; rmmod wctdm etc.. Imagine if that would be happening 
in the middle of the day.. breaking all phone conversations...

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