[Asterisk-Users] telnet and Root

Thomas Kuepper tk at teldafax.de
Fri Aug 20 03:02:37 MST 2004

use ssh instead of telnet. telnet is a bad idea.

Am 20.08.2004 um 11:39 schrieb neil:

> Sorry if this is posted to the wrong forum but as it is related to a 
> problem I have with Asterisk it may just scrape through!!
> I am running Fedora 1 and I can telnet in to my asterisk box as any 
> user except root and am using the same credentials as logging in 
> locally. I am new to Linux and any help would be gratefully 
> appreciated.
> Thanks
> Neil
Thomas Küpper

01063 Telecom GmbH & Co. KG
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53842 Troisdorf

Telefon: 02241-9434-506
Telefax: 02241-9434-846

E-Mail: thomas.kuepper at 01063telecom.de
E-Mail: tk at teldafax.de
Homepage: http://www.01063telecom.de

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