[Asterisk-Users] Snom 200 Programmable Keys

Steve Woolley swoolley at adstelecom.com
Wed Aug 4 14:14:07 MST 2004

I would like to use one of my Snom 200's 5 programmable keys to park
calls. I am using image SIP 2.04g. I have tried a variety of
combinations and have come to the conclusion that:

1) On the Key Mappings administration page, I must select the "Transfer"
under the "Break Keys" option box to be able to successfully transfer
calls using the "Transfer" button.

2) Since my parking extension is "700", I have tried placing 700 in the
"Number" column and tried all the combinations of (Line, Destination,
Intercom, Park Orbit, Voice Recorder). Once I have used the "Save"
button to save my change, it changes the number to
<SIP:700 at mydomain.com>. However, I have no luck in parking the call
using the programmable key. 

According to the documentation, you can use DTMF in H.323 mode on the
Snom's, but this does not seem to be an option under SIP mode.

Anyone had any luck using the programmable keys for anything but
transfering/calling sip url's?

Steve Woolley
IT Manager
ADS Telecom, Inc.
59 Skyline Drive
Suite 1250
Lake Mary, Florida 32746

Phone: (407)682-6226 x1110
Fax:   (407)682-3455
Cell:  (321)229-5311

swoolley at adstelecom.com

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