[Asterisk-Users] PSTN Access Providers for Asterisk

William R. Lorenz wrl at express.org
Wed Aug 4 12:22:58 MST 2004

Asterisk Users,

I'm looking for U.S. providers that will provide access to the PSTN and
allow me to easily use my Asterisk box with their services.  I would
prefer a provider that supports number portability, so that I can park my
existing cell number on their network and later move it again, but I'm
open to doing some funky stuff with call forwarding if I have to do that.

Can anyone provide their recommendations or experience in using a VoIP
provider, as opposed to a LEC, to provide Asterisk with PSTN access?

Thanks, in advance, for your ideas.

--          _ 
__ __ ___ _| | William R. Lorenz <wrl at express.org> 
\ V  V / '_| | http://www.ohiolinux.org/ ; Free conference and event hosting
 \./\./|_| |_| Linux and OSS-related topics. October 2, 2004 - Columbus, OH.

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