[Asterisk-Users] Connecting Asterisk and Avaya Definity By E1 . Incoming work, but not outgoing

Ken Godee ken at perfect-image.com
Mon Aug 2 07:52:13 MST 2004

> < Cause (len= 4) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) 0: 0   Location:
> Private network serving the local user (1)
> <                  Ext: 1  Cause: Incompatible destination (88), class =
> Invalid message (5) ]

Here's how I've got mine set up, maybe it will help, it's a little
different then how the wiki has it.

I'm running Definity G3si v6

(ISDN PRI)  TN767E v18 <--> TE410P

-- zaptel.conf --


# span 2

-- zapata.conf --

; isdn-pri -> att pbx
group = 3
immediate = no
switchtype = 5ess
overlapdial = no
signalling = pri_net
channel => 25-47

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