[Asterisk-Users] Polycom registration

Roger grunky at rockriver.net
Fri Apr 23 12:13:33 MST 2004

John Baker wrote:

> Try following the instructions at
> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Polycom+Phones
> I think you don't have your MACADDRESS.cfg file set right.  I've never 
> used the web interface.
The problem is I don't seem to have a reference to the format of that 
file or what options I can put in it.  Some docs I've looked at 
reference the distribution.zip file as having some default templates.  
However the Polycom cd that came w/ the phone has not such zip file..  
:(  I'll need that zip file, any ideas on where to get it.

Also upon looking things over I setup a ftp server BUT the RH9 box I was 
running would NOT add user named 'PlcmSpIp' in.  Upper case letters just 
wouldn't work.  So I put in the user 'plcmspip' and then manually put in 
the upper case letters in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow...

In the future I 'should' be able to change that to something other then 
the default values.  I've search over the menus(pressing menu, settings, 
authentication) gave the a 'reg user' and password.  I changed that to

user: 110
password: test

but the 0004f200b70e-boot.log still says its using u=PlcmSpIp 
pw=PlcmSpIp to log in.  Ideas on how to fix that?

> If it still doesn't work after that, write back.
Sorry - the Cisco phones had cruddy docs to.  While the polycom phone 
itself looks better, better display, more buttons, better menus - the 
docs are still lacking..

> John
> P.S.  Make sure you use a good xml editor when fixing up the cfg files.

Have any suggestings?  I've always used vi....

Rock River Internet                          Roger Grunkemeyer
202 W. State St, 8th Floor                grunky at rockriver.net
Rockford, IL 61101                           815-968-9888 x101

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