[Asterisk-Users] ANI II/Payphone indication

Paul Crick web-asterisk-users at ivrl.com
Wed Apr 21 16:24:14 MST 2004

> > Quickie: Does anyone out there have experience with PRI
> > delivery of ANI II information?

> Our carrier appends it to the DNIS.  For instance, if I
> call from my cellphone, we get:
> 877852000263
> Where 8778520002 is the dialed number, and 63 are the info
> digits.

So your carrier provides you with 12 digit DNIS? Is this something special,
achieved after a bit of nudging and winking at your friendly CO technician,
or is it a standard service offering? Any magic words/incantations used to
get this feature?

I'm curious as to your provider too..

Looks exactly like what I'm looking for though - thanks!

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