[Asterisk-Users] FAX?

Walker Haddock whaddock at datacrest.com
Wed Apr 14 14:52:08 MST 2004

On Wed, Apr 14, 2004 at 05:11:46PM -0400, Brian Cuthie wrote:
> Should FAX transmission generally work through Asterisk and a TDM400P 
> connected through a PSTN gateway?  At first blush I'd think that if 
> they're all g.711uLaw encoded that it would work. But experience shows 
> otherwise. Is there a better way to do FAX?
Brian, I have three implementations that are faxing.  One uses the TDM400P to connect the fax machine to and the other two use channel banks connected to * via T100P.  One of the channel banks is an Adtran 750 and the other is a Zhone.

I have faxing working in all three configurations, however, I had to rig the fax machine on the TDM400P to only negotiate 4800 baud.  Prior to this, I was getting a high error rate and the faxes would terminate at various points.  I had this effect for both inbound and outbound faxes.

In my case, I absolutely see a performance difference between the TDM100P and the channel banks listed.

Maybe someone else has some experience to share.


********   DataCrest, Inc. -- Technically Superior   ******************
Walker Haddock                       http://www.datacrest.com
DataCrest, Inc.                    e-mail:  wh at datacrest.com
1634A Montgomery Hwy.    phone:  1-888-941-3282, 1-205-335-8589
Birmingham, AL 35216                  fax:  1-205-823-7838

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