[Asterisk-Users] WAMi - Windows Asterisk Manager

Adam Goryachev mailinglists at websitemanagers.com.au
Tue Apr 6 03:14:20 MST 2004

On Tue, 2004-04-06 at 19:31, Jason Ross wrote:
> >
> >>I can't seem to find where I am supposed to create the config file, nor
> >>do I know what the default admin password is..
> >
> >>Any suggestions?
> Have a look at the readme in the zip file, specifically the bit about the
> xml config file. Haven't made it work yet myself but it is probably a good
> place to start.

Actually, I did read the whole readme, twice.... Unfortunately, I feel
as though this is yet another case where the source code will never be
available, so I can't even muddle through it to find the answer myself.

BTW, why on earth is the .net crap required? What does this 23MB
download requirement add to this application?


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