[Asterisk-Users] tdm40b

Sean Rodger srodger1 at optonline.net
Tue Sep 16 17:39:01 MST 2003

I have 2 xp100's and one TDM400P.

I've plugged a phone into the tdm40b, and when i take it off hook sometimes
i get a dialtone, other times i get the message

"Power alarm of module2, resetting" spit out to the console from the wcfxs

does anyone know what this could be?  I've tried two different phones, with
the same result on both.

I changed the signalling to fxsls, and i had a dial tone on both phones, but
the lines soon died with the power alarm message again.
after the modules die, they reset and i have to unload and reload the wcfxs
module to get it to work again.

can anyone help?


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