[Asterisk-Users] live monitoring

John Todd jtodd at loligo.com
Mon Sep 8 10:52:51 MST 2003

>No need to reinvent the wheel -- use ZapBarge.  I have also modified
>ZapBarge into what I call 'ZapScan', which lets you scan through all of
>your Zap channels by pressing # to change channels.  It works great!
>David C. Troy   [dave at toad.net]                   410-384-2500 Sales
>ToadNet - Want to go fast?                        410-544-1329 FAX
>570 Ritchie Highway, Severna Park, MD 21146-2925  www.toad.net

David -
   This looks fairly interesting as a call center application.  Can 
you submit the app to the bugtracker?  Is it really enough to be it's 
own application, or could it just be a modification to the existing 
ZapBarge?  How about a "mute" option?


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