[Asterisk-Users] ephone hunt group?

Holger Schildt holger.schildt at informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
Mon Sep 8 05:44:32 MST 2003


Is it possible to configure an ephone hunt group, which is a feature from Cisco,
for astersik?

It should behave in the following way:
There is one number for this group. Calls are redirected on busy or no answer
from one member of this group to the next until they are answered or the end of
list is reached.
The first numer to ring is the number to the right of the number that was called
last last time. So the list of numbers is transformed into a cycle.


                    Holger Schildt <mail at HSchildt.de> 
GnuPG key id : 501DA815     |    contact : http://www.HSchildt.de/CONTACT 
GnuPG key fingerprint : BB3E 31A1 4DF4 C0AD E929  6F2F C5BE 63FB 501D A815

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