[Asterisk-Users] SIP behind NAT, workaround to make W Snel's very welcome fix work both for inside *and* outside clients

Peter Zeltins peter at fintrading.com
Thu Oct 30 01:12:12 MST 2003

> http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-users/2003-October/024968.html
> >
> > Any idea when these "hacks" will appear in CVS?
> We should all hope "never".  That's why you call it a "hack"
> because it works for only one very specific case and would break
> SIP under Astrisk for most people.  It even breaks calls
> between Asterisk and local SIP phones.
> Now the trick is to write some code that desides if the trick is
> to be used or not for each call by comparing the IP address of
> Asterisk and the called SIP phone.
> You migh want to experiment with it and report results.

Well, I happen to be one of those very specific cases... ;) and looks like
will have experiment with it myself. Although I'd hate to re-invent the


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