[Asterisk-Users] A software FAX modem

Steven Critchfield critch at basesys.com
Mon Oct 20 14:15:51 MST 2003

On Mon, 2003-10-20 at 14:19, Florian Overkamp wrote:
> Hi,
> Citeren Steve Underwood <steveu at coppice.org>:
> > If it doesn't work for you, don't be too surprised. Feed back anything 
> > you find, and lets try to make things better. I suspect, from experience 
> > and things I have read on the web, that a lot of fax machines do not 
> > follow the standards very well. In that case, a number of tweaks are 
> > probably needed before this new software is adequately tolerant of the 
> > behaviour of real world machines.
> First off, let me start by saying I think this is a great new step that is 
> greatly appreciated (at least by me) toward a complete telephony platform. 
> Second off, I just tried to build and install. Some comments up till now:
> - The compilation process asks for libaudiofile headerfiles (-dev package) - 
> this was not default on my box. Should be added to documentation I guess :)
> - On my Debian box libtiff is an empty package (sucks) so I downloaded the 
> tiff package source code. Installation here sucks once more: the mentioned 
> tiffiop.h is not installed in /usr/local/include as I suppose it should, same 
> goes for several other header files. Easiest was to just point the Makefile in 
> your src/ tree toward the libtiff source.

Wasn't empty on my machine, but also the headers didn't get installed. I
apt-get source the package, and then copied the files into places where
they could be used.

> - The linker tries to access fftw (Fourier libraries). Not default installed 
> on my system, should probably be added to documentation

Noticed bug in package where libfftw.so wasn't linked to the
libfftw.so.2 file. This caused me a few moments of grief, but is a
package maintainers fault not Steve's.

> - The linker tries to access unicall. What is this ? Not installed on my 
> system and no candidates on my searchlist (apt-get and a quick google search). 
> How to continue ?

Same here. add to that no libmfcr2. Only link I noticed for it is
discussion of the R2 protocol. Makes me wonder why it is being used at
all. I ended up removing these 2 from the LIBS line in the tests
Makefile and it doesn't seem to be a problem yet. Still building.

> Thanks, and I hope to continue this adventure soon :-)
Steven Critchfield  <critch at basesys.com>

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