[Asterisk-Users] CDR Web Search Frontend

CW_ASN cw_asn at fibertel.com.ar
Wed Oct 1 19:16:00 MST 2003

> If this is the case, obviously you need more experience in
> creating user friendly web frontends.  Some that I have
> seen are brilliant and look great on any OS.  PHP is best
> suited to what we are trying to do, because it's powerful,
> it has all the feature we want to use and it runs on the
> server.  Introducing FTP transfers and other such
> mechanisms is just asking for trouble.  Plus tying it to a
> windows system is very Anti-productive.

I don't like frontends, but I know how to do good frontends. In this case,
the owners of the system don't want to use web application. Why? I don't
know! What do suppose to do? Break customer faces with a hammer? If the
customer wants windows app, I give him the windows app.

I know that frontends are really useful for everybody. I love consoles and
write plain text-files, but is my opinion...
My boss and the customers wants a windows app to configure *. I'm not happy
doing this, but is my job.

Certainly, PHP is the best option to do frontend.


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