[Asterisk-Users] 4 Port FXO cards

Jorge Mendoza mendoza at tcc.com.pe
Thu Nov 20 15:23:49 MST 2003

Tilghman Lesher wrote:

>On Thursday 20 November 2003 10:25, Ernest W. Lessenger wrote:
>>At 07:26 AM 11/20/2003, you wrote:
>>>Probably too late to ask for, but for us reversal polarity
>>>detection (far end answer supervision) is very important for
>>>billing and pre-paid purpose.
>>Don't the X100P cards already support this? I believe it's called
>No, that's for remote _disconnect_ supervision.
Thank You Tilghman.
If the FXO interfaces, X100P for instance, have not answer supervision 
detection, which are the criteria for "Answer Time" field into the cdr?


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