[Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

Michael Graves gravesmj at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 20 13:34:50 MST 2003

On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 12:11:22 -0600, Steven Sokol wrote:

>Would anybody be willing to shell out some money and hire (or offer a
>bounty for) a viable "Getting Started with Asterisk" or "Asterisk for
>Dummies" or "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Asterisk" or something like
>that?  RTFM is better/easier than UTFG, IMHO.
>The Vovida/vocal team (granted they are funded by Cisco) has actually
>written a book that was published by O'Reilly (sp?) an company last
>year.  While a printed book may not be a great idea, considering the
>pace at which things change, how about an e-book?

I was wondering why there was such a book in place, but none for *. If
there was such a book for say $50...I'd buy it.


Michael Graves                           mgraves at pixelpower.com
Sr. Product Specialist                          www.pixelpower.com
Pixel Power Inc.                              gravesmj at earthlink.net
                                                                         FWD 54245

"If a picture could talk we'd all look away,
there'd be too many voices." - Kansas
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