[Asterisk-Users] Limit timeout of outgoing calls??

Max Tulyev maxtul at nline.ru
Thu Nov 13 07:55:57 MST 2003

В сообщении от 13 Ноябрь 2003 15:35 Peter Brown написал:

> >In some PBSx you can limit outgoing call that you cannot speak longer the
> >15 minutes.
> >Is it possible to do with Asterisk ?
> >
> >Bart
> Use Absolute timeout application

Can it be done by per-session limits? For example, when user calling to phone 
in prefix XXXX, we looking up user's info and see: ok, you have money to talk 
with XXXX no more than 10 minutes - and set him personal session timeout to 
10 min?

С Уважением,
Максим Тульев (MT6561-RIPE, 2:463/253 at FIDO)

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