[Asterisk-Users] SoftFax question

Freddi Hansen fh at danovation.dk
Wed Nov 12 12:59:50 MST 2003

I am looking at using the softfax that Steve Underwood has developed.
It's very straight forward when you assign an extension for the fax.
A function that several pbx's has is that they listen for the 'faxtone' 
for 5 seconds
after 'answer' in the menu where you can enter your local extension number,
it's normally done in parallel with the DTMF detection.  I think that 
the logical solution
would be if the DTMF mask given to the DTMFdetector could  had a digit  
for fax or
if there was a 'background' function that  we could check on with  
I haven't been able to google any function in '*' that would help us 
with this so that's
why I try the list in case I (hopefully) have overlooked something.

The above function would be nice since you could share the same access 
number for phone
and fax (like the old autofax switches). Secondly when people mistakenly 
queues a fax for
you main access number it would just be dropped into the 'faxbox' 
instaedt of  calling you
10 times over the next 20 minutes.


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