[Asterisk-Users] External Directory Button and Dial tone on Cisco 7960 (SIP)

Steve Bourg ml_asteriskusers at integrity.bourg.net
Fri May 30 06:44:52 MST 2003

Adjust and place this into your SIPDefault.conf file:

directory_url: "http://mydirectoryserver.com/directory.html"

Drop the directory.html onto your web server in this format:

  <Title>IP Telephony Directory</Title>
  <Prompt>People reachable via VoIP</Prompt>
<Name>Smith, Joe</Name>
<Name>Doe, John</Name>

I did this with Apache and generated the entries through PHP without a

Steve Bourg

On Fri, 30 May 2003, Ben Bosshardt wrote:

> Has anyone found a solution how to use the directory button on the Cisco
> 7960?
> If configured correctly it should point to an external directory url. So far
> I
> failed to find any documentation regarding the format to set up a phone
> directory
> on my asterisk server.
> How can the dial tones on a CISCO 7960 be modified? Compared to the ATA 186,
> I
> could not find any settings that make a change possible.
> Thank you for your help
> Ben
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