[Asterisk-Users] chan_h323 and extensions.conf

Truong tphuong at wol.be
Tue May 27 09:38:54 MST 2003

% *** On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 07:16 PM +0300, Michael Manousos <manousos at inaccessnetworks.com> wrote: ***

% >
% >One question: is there a different in the syntax of OH323 between the 2
% >lines below (they are all working) ?
% >
% > exten => 665,1,Dial(OH323/
% This is the "modern" way to write extensions (more readable).

Ok I will use it this format. Thanks for the explanation !

% >
% >and
% >
% > exten => 665,1,Dial,OH323/
% This is the old way for the same thing.
% They do exactly the same, prefer the first one.
% Michael.

  Truong <tphuong at wol.be>

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