[Asterisk-Users] Who would use Asterisk SS7?

Mike M linux-support at earthlink.net
Sat May 24 00:28:45 MST 2003

On Saturday 24 May 2003 00:55, Hemant Kumar wrote:
> Yeah am sorry to write the half fact. But I just thought you are familiar
> with Zap hardware.

I am.  Good stuff I'm told.  Good people behind it I'm told as well.  
> For PSTN you can use Zap Hardware like T/E/400P/100P. Zap driver is also
> pretty much stable. I am using the same in a call center and having PD,ACD
> and most of the funtionality you have read about CTI Hardware.

No CPU on board.  I was raised with on-board CPUs handling MTP2 so that's my 
preference.  I prefer to have only MSUs coming to the main CPU on a Linux 
platform.  Obviously that raises the price of the SS7 interface slightly but 
it's proven technology.  SS7 concentrates all trunk signaling into a couple 
of links so having an on-board CPU on the SS7 interface provides some added 
confidence that the job will get done on time.
> Now, if you are really interested in SS7 on *, 

I am.  I am trying to understand why, when, and how SS7 would be used by * 
users.  I am trying to see how people have a crumpled up piece of paper with 
this on it:

phone lines-------[  *  ]----ss7---PSTN  
                          |   |                |
voip----------------+  +-----IMT---+
Mike M.

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