[Asterisk-Users] ATA186 through NAT, over Dialup, success story

Stephen Davies steve at daviesfam.org
Tue May 20 08:50:18 MST 2003


I'm away at a conference in Amsterdam.  My home is in Cambridge in the
UK.  On a whim, I tossed an ATA186 and a phone into my bags before
leaving home.

I was able to plug my ATA186 into a LAN here at the conference and
was connected to my home Asterisk in a few seconds.  Total time from
unzipping my bag to talking to home no more than 15 seconds.

OK, so the kit could be more portable, but that is coming !

Also, in the hotel there is dialup only.  But, I dialled up with my
Apple ibook, enabled connection sharing, connected the ATA186 to the
ibook Ethernet port and similarly had dialtone in a few seconds.

I made calls over that - using a low-bandwidth codec - and it worked
great too.  That was also a NATted connection.

I knew it would work in theory, but the ease in practice was amazing.


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