[Asterisk-Users] chan_capi, not including echo ;-)

Klaus-Peter Junghanns kpj at junghanns.net
Sun May 18 12:19:00 MST 2003

hi there,

chan_capi 0.2.1b adds support with RX/TX gains. The echo you usually
encounter is caused by todays very sensitive mics in modern phones.
So when you send something that is too loud the mic will pick up your
voice and send it back to you. By finetuning of the rx/tx gains you
will be able to get rid of this echo (and there is no other echo source
with isdn because it's all digital and has no crosstalk).

grab the new version at: http://www.junghanns.net/asterisk

enjoy :)


Klaus-Peter Junghanns

Junghanns.NET GmbH
Breite Strasse 13 - 12167 Berlin - Germany
fon:	+49 30 79705392
fax:	+49 30 79705391
iaxtel:	1-700-157-8753
email:	kpj at junghanns.net

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